On December 25th @ 6:30PM in Herzliya you will have the opportunity to meet with Israeli graduates from top US MBA Schools – Darden, Duke, Ross and Tuck. The event is initiated by the graduates to provide you with an unbiased review of these programs.
The graduates will share their MBA experience and subsequent career choices, as well as answer your questions. More specifically, each graduate will talk how he chose his MBA program, what was his most significant experience while at school and how the reality of the MBA program and the career afterwards are compared with his expectations prior to MBA.
The event is informal and held at the house of one of the graduates to provide you a better opportunity to network with the panel participants and fellow applicants.
The panel is an invitation-only closed event. The space is limited, so please RSVP to secure your participation ASAP.
*Exact location of the event is provided in the RSVP form