חיבורי הרשמה שפורסמו עד כה לתוכניות ה-MBA המובילות בעולם 

שאלות החיבורים לתוכניות ה-MBA שמתחילות ב-2025

חשוב! מדי פעם בתי הספר משנים את שאלות החיבורים לאחר הפרסום הראשוני.

בנוסף, אנו עלולים לטעות בהעתקת השאלות מאתר ביה"ס.

במקרים כאלה, השאלות המוצגות בעמוד זה אינן מדויקות!

לכן חשוב לבדוק באתר ביה"ס כדי לוודא שבידכם שאלות החיבורים הנכונות והמעודכנות.

שימו לב שעבור re-applicants שאלות החיבורים שונות בדרך כלל מהשאלות עבור מועמדים רגילים.


Essay Questions by School

Essays help us learn about who you are as a person and how you will fit with our community. We seek candidates from a broad range of industries, backgrounds, and cultures. Our distinctive culture is defined by four key principles – Question the Status Quo, Confidence Without Attitude, Students Always, and Beyond Yourself. We encourage you to reflect on your experiences, values, and passions so that you may craft thoughtful and authentic responses that demonstrate your fit with our program – culturally, academically, and professionally.
Essay responses should reflect your own ideas and experiences, be independently written, and reflect your writing style. You may receive advice on content and editing, including the use of generative artificial intelligence software to assist with readability, but content and final written text must be your own.
Candidates are required to complete three written essays and a video essay.
Application essays will be screened through anti-plagiarism software.

Required Essays

Essay #1

What makes you feel alive when you are doing it, and why?

A successful essay will share a specific and personal experience that helps the reader get to know you better, giving insight into your character, values, or how you would uniquely contribute to the Berkeley-Haas community.

(textbox, 300 words maximum)

Essay #2

What are your short-term and long-term career goals, and how will an MBA from Haas help you achieve those goals?

Short-term career goals should be achievable within 3-5 years post-MBA, whereas long-term goals may span a decade or more and encompass broader professional aspirations.

(textbox, 300 words maximum)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging (DEIJB) Experience

One of our goals at Berkeley Haas is to develop leaders who value diversity and to create an inclusive environment in which people from different ethnicities, genders, lived experiences, and national origins feel welcomed and supported.
Describe any experience or exposure you have in the area of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging whether through community organizations, personal, or in the workplace?
Candidates seeking consideration for mission-aligned fellowships may use this space to reflect on their commitment to the mission of those fellowships.

(textbox, 300 words remaining)

Video Essay

Applicants are required to record a video essay. The video essay can be completed either before or after submitting the application. The latest deadline to record the video essay is 7 days after the round’s deadline. To record your video, access the Video Essay section in the application navigation.
Video essays should respond to the following prompt:
The Berkeley MBA program develops leaders who embody our four Defining Leadership Principles. Briefly introduce yourself to the admissions committee, explain which Defining Leadership Principle resonates most with you, and tell us how you have exemplified the principle in your personal or professional life.
Please review the Defining Leadership Principles in advance and take time to prepare your answer before recording. You can also review Video Essay tips. You will be able to test your audio-visual connection before recording. Video essays should last 1-2 minutes and may not exceed 2 minutes.

Supplemental Information

  1. If you have not provided a letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, please explain. If not applicable, enter N/A. (textbox)
  2. List up to five significant community and professional organizations and extracurricular activities in which you have been involved during or after university studies. Include the following information for each using the format below:
    Rank Org Org Size Hrs/Wk Start End Desc
  3. List full-time and part-time jobs held during undergraduate or graduate studies indicating the employer, job title, employment dates, location, and the number of hours worked per week for each position held prior to the completion of your degree. If not applicable, enter N/A. (textbox)
  4. If you have ever been subject to academic discipline, placed on probation, suspended, or required to withdraw from any college or university, please explain. If not applicable, enter N/A. (An affirmative response to this question does not automatically disqualify you from admission). (textbox)

Optional Information

As part of the University of California public university system, we value the impact our program can have in increasing social and economic mobility. As such, please help us understand the context of your opportunities and achievements. You may answer part, all, or none of the questions as they relate to your background.

1) What is the highest level of education completed by your parent(s) or guardian(s)?
Parent or Guardian 1: (select)
Parent or Guardian 2: (select)

2) What is the most recent occupation of your parent(s) or guardian(s)?
Parent or Guardian 1: (select)
Parent or Guardian 2: (select)

3) If you were raised in one of the following household types, please indicate: (select)

4) If English was not the primary language spoken in your childhood home, please indicate: (select)

5) If you have you ever been responsible for providing significant and continuing financial or supervisory support for someone else, please indicate: (select)

Please elaborate on any of your above responses. Alternatively, you may use this opportunity to expand on other hardships or unusual life circumstances that may help us understand the context of your opportunities, achievements, and impact. (textbox, 300 words maximum)

Additional Optional Information

This section should only be used to convey relevant information not addressed elsewhere in your application. This may include explanation of employment gaps, academic aberrations, supplemental coursework, etc. You are encouraged to use bullet points where appropriate. (textbox)

Video Essay

This section of the application requires a webcam and microphone. Please be sure you are in a quiet and well-lit environment before you begin. You are allowed 2 attempts to record your Video Essay, and your response can be no longer than 2 minutes.
Before recording, you will be prompted to test your audio-visual connection. Follow the steps on-screen and check the box to confirm your successful completion of the audio-visual test.
You will then be asked to confirm that you are ready to begin recording your Video Essay.
Once you click the “Ready” button, the Video Essay question will appear and you will have 20 seconds (on-screen countdown) before recording begins. Once you have finished responding, click the “Stop” button. Note that the recording will end automatically at 2 minutes – the maximum video length – if you do not click the “Stop” button.
You will have the opportunity to review your first attempt and choose to submit or discard your recording. If you discard this first recording, you will have a final attempt to re-record your response.
Once finished, you will be prompted to continue through the submission process.

Career objectives – Please provide details of your post-MBA career plans. The statement should not exceed 500 words and must address the following:

• What are your short and long-term career objectives? How will the Cambridge MBA equip you to achieve these?
• Looking at your short-term career goal, describe the research you have done to understand how this industry/role/location recruits MBA talent and what they are looking for in a candidate?
• How confident do you feel about meeting your short-term career goal? What skills/characteristics do you already have that will help you to achieve them, and what preparation are you doing now?


Essay question 1 – Tell us about a time when you made a professional mistake. How could it have ended differently? (textbox, up to 200 words)

Essay question 2 – Tell us about the best team you worked with. What made the team successful? (textbox, up to 200 words)

Essay question 3 – Provide an example of when someone else positively impacted your life. What did you learn from this experience? (textbox, up to 200 words)

Essay question 4 – Additional question for re-applicants. Describe any relevant developments since you last applied to the Cambridge MBA? (textbox, up to 200 words)


Evidence of English Language proficiency – If you are fluent in English even though it is not your native language, please provide evidence of your experience in English. This should include academic experience and any work experience you have had in English, including the number of years in each. Please be aware that you must still refer to the language policy and meet the criteria to meet the English language requirement. (textbox)

Work experience –

  • Previous roles/promotions at your current company – including dates (textbox, Maximum 150 words)
  • Primary responsibilities – Describe your primary job responsibilities;
    1. type and size of internal and external teams with which you work or supervise
    2. type and number of clients or projects you manage;
    3. size of budget or revenue for which you are responsible;
    4. international experience or exposure
    (textbox, 250 word limit)
  • Challenge – What has been your most significant professional challenge? (textbox, 200 words limit)
  • Accomplishment – What has been your most significant professional achievement? (textbox, 200 words limit)
  • Gaps in your CV/resume – Please explain any gaps in your CV (textbox, 200 words limit)

Scholarship application

Please select all the scholarships you wish to be considered for. All candidates made an offer after interview are considered for bursaries.

  • If you would like to provide an essay to support your scholarship application, then please upload a short essay that outlines your interest in CJBS scholarships and how you meet the eligibility criteria for those you wish to be considered for (max 300 words). You only need to provide one essay for all the scholarships you are applying to. You can upload this in the additional documents section. Additional documents
  • If you are applying for the Vanessa Dekou Scholarship you will need to upload the following documents to the additional documents section. Additional documents
  • A supporting essay outlining your suitability for the Vanessa Dekou scholarship in line with the eligibility criteria (max 300 words). Financial evidence – The last 3 months of bank statements from the account your salary is paid into.

Equal opportunity

Additional information – If you would like to provide further information, please do so here (optional): (textbox)

About you

Information – Please provide information on any aspect of your candidacy that requires further explanation, or information that you would like the Admissions Committee to know (textbox, 300 word limit).

Instructions: We’d like to hear more about your aspirations, your goals, and the passions and experiences that have and continue to shape you. Please respond to both essay prompts below. We have intentionally only set a word count minimum; we want to allow you the space needed to convey your thoughts, while using your best judgement regarding the length of response.

1. How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250-word minimum) (textbox)

2. An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of work. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are. (250-word minimum) (textbox)

Additional Information – Is there any unclear information in your application that needs further explanation or additional details you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? If so, please use this section to clarify. (Optional)
(textbox, 300 words)


Personal history

  • Is there anything about your upbringing or family/household circumstances that you would like the admissions committee to know? (textbox)

Booth & You

  • What is your immediate post-MBA career goal? (textbox, 250 characters)
  • What is your long-term post-MBA career goal? (textbox, 250 characters)


  • Awards and Honors – Please list any academic honors, awards, or other recognitions you have received: (textbox)
  • If you qualified for other undergraduate support and/or government assistance, please specify below (i.e., Teach Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, etc.). (textbox)


  • Professional Awards – Please list any significant professional awards or recognition that you have received. (textbox)


  • Why did you choose these two recommenders? (textbox)


In addition to learning about your professional aspirations, the Admissions Committee hopes to gain an understanding of your interests, values and motivations through these essays. There are no right or wrong answers and we encourage you to answer each question thoughtfully.
The two short answers and Essays 1, 2, and 3 are required.

Short Answer

What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (textbox, 50 characters)

Short Answer 2

How do you plan to spend the summer after the first year of the MBA? If in an internship, please include target industry(ies) and/or function(s). If you plan to work on your own venture, please indicate a focus of business. (textbox, 50 characters)

January Short Answer Question: 

Why do you prefer the January-entry term? (50 characters maximum)

Essay 1

Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what is your long-term dream job? (Maximum 500 Words)
(Upload file)

Essay 2

The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a co-curricular program designed to provide students with the skills and strategies needed to develop as inclusive leaders. Through various resources and programming, students explore and reflect on the following five inclusive leadership skills: Mitigating Bias and Prejudice; Managing Intercultural Dialogue; Addressing Systemic Inequity; Understanding Identity and Perspective Taking; and Creating an Inclusive Environment.
Please respond to one of the below (250 words):
Describe a time or situation when you had the need to utilize one of these five skills and tell us the actions you took and the outcome.
Alternatively, please share a specific example of how you made a team more collaborative or fostered a greater sense of community within an organization.
(Upload file)

Essay 3

We believe Columbia Business School is a special place with a collaborative learning environment in which students feel a sense of belonging, agency, and partnership–academically, culturally, and professionally.
How would you co-create your optimal MBA experience at CBS? Please be specific. (Maximum 250 Words)
(Upload file)

Optional Essay

If you wish to provide the Admissions Committee with further information or additional context about your application, please include it here. You may write an essay or submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)
(Upload file)



  • Please provide an explanation for any gaps three months or longer in your employment history: (textbox, 1000 characters)


  • Please list any professional credentials received (e.g. CFA, CPA, non-degree certificates): (textbox)

Extracurricular Activities

  • Hobbies – Please list other activities or interests that you regularly engage in: (textbox)

Goals and Interests

A statement of your goals will begin a conversation that will last throughout the admissions process and guide your steps during the MBA program and experience. To the best of your understanding today, please share your short and long term goals and complete the following sentences and answering the enclosed short answer question (350 words maximum):

Immediately post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) ____Role____ at ____Company____ in the ____Industry____ industry.

  • *Target Job Role Post-MBA _____________
  • *Target Job Company Post-MBA _____________
  • *Target Industry Post-MBA _____________

In 5-10 years post-MBA my goal is to work as a(n) ____Role____ at ____Company____ in the ____Industry____ industry.

  • *Target Job Role in 5-10 Years _____________
  • *Target Job Company in 5-10 Years _____________
  • *Target Industry in 5-10 Years _____________

*How has your experience prepared and encouraged you to pursue these goals? (textbox)


Limit each essay response to 350 words or less.

*IMPACT ESSAY: At Cornell, our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. Taking into consideration your background, how do you intend to make a meaningful impact on an elite MBA community? (textbox, 350 words)

OPTIONAL ESSAY: You may use this space to explain gaps in your resume, call attention to items needing clarification, or provide additional details about any aspects of your application that do not accurately reflect your potential for success at Johnson. (textbox, 350 words)


If you would you like to be considered for GMAT/GRE Test Waiver, Please enter a short statement for why you will flourish in our rigorous academic environment (textbox, 100 words max)

Park Leadership Fellows Program Essay (Two-Year MBA only)

The Roy H. Park Leadership Fellows Program is a two-year, full-tuition fellowship award for domestic Two-Year MBA candidates who have demonstrated outstanding leadership potential and who are committed to making an impact within their communities. Each year, fellowships are awarded to up to 25 incoming students with the expectation that they will participate in additional leadership and personal development activities outside of our regular curriculum, serve in leadership roles within the school, and complete a public service project by the time they graduate. The Park Fellowship is only available to U.S. citizens applying for the Two-Year MBA program.
Candidates being considered for the Roy H. Park Leadership Fellowship will be notified after their admissions interview with an invitation to join us for one of our virtual Leadership Exploration and Assessment Day (L.E.A.D.) events. Candidates invited to attend a LEAD event will be required to submit a response to the Park Fellows Essay.

Park Leadership Fellows Program Essay Prompt (500 word limit):

Describe a past formal or informal leadership experience and how it informs your goals for growth as a leader. How would the Park Leadership Fellowship assist with these goals?

Darden is a thriving community of MBA students, faculty, staff and alumni from a wide array of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Below are three questions to allow you the opportunity to share in your own words the many dimensions of you.

Community of Belonging

What would you want your classmates to know about you that is not on your resume? (textbox, 100 words)

Inclusive Impact

The University of Virginia promotes an inclusive and welcoming environment that embraces the full spectrum of human attributes, perspectives, and disciplines. Diversity stands with ethics, integrity, and academic excellence, as a cornerstone of University culture. Review the University of Virginia’s Commitment to Diversity.
Consistent with this ethos, the Darden School of Business seeks to improve the world by developing and inspiring responsible global leaders. We are committed to developing the School’s ability to leverage our global diversity — the multitude of different experiences and backgrounds among our stakeholders from around the world — to achieve excellence in business education in today’s complex marketplace. We believe all key stakeholders – students, faculty, staff, alumni – play a critical role in cultivating an environment of connection and belonging, and every action in service of this goal is important.
Please describe a tangible example that illuminates your experience promoting an inclusive environment and what you would bring to creating a welcoming, global community at Darden. (textbox, 300 words)

Careers With Purpose

Darden’s Career Center delivers personalized career searches, support, and resources to empower students in their goals to create value as transformational leaders. The team of dedicated, expert career coaches spans every major industry, function and geography and collectively represent over one hundred years of coaching experience. Coaches are prepared to support students wherever they are in their search, as career goals shift and evolve while pursuing an MBA. Through a wide variety of career-related programming, students gain the skills to convert personal purpose into professional success. This support continues after graduation with access to complimentary career support for life through Darden’s Alumni Career Services.
At this time how would you describe your short-term, post-MBA goal in terms of industry, function, geography, company size and/or mission and how does it align with the long-term vision you have for your career? (textbox, 200 words)

Additional Information – Additional Comments

If there is further information you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee, please provide it. (textbox, 250 words)


Family information

Darden seeks to facilitate an accessible, inclusive application process. Please elaborate on any of your above responses. You may use this opportunity to expand, for example, on family, medical, financial or other circumstances that will help us understand your opportunities, achievement, resilience, and impact within context. (textbox, 150 words maximum)


List up to three hobbies or interests you enjoy in your free time. (for each hobby – textbox, 10 words)

Explore Charlottesville

Darden community members love our city. Watch the video to learn why we love Charlottesville!
What are you excited to explore in Charlottesville? (textbox, 25 words)

Darden Worldwide

The Batten Foundation Worldwide Scholarship provides all Darden students in our Full-Time MBA program with an opportunity to participate in a Darden Worldwide Course, exchange program with one of our partner schools, or global client project.
(If the video above does not display, please try this link instead!)
Darden has an incredible network of alumni and partners around the world, and, in a typical year, the School connects with over 80 countries. What location would serve as an impactful catalyst to your development during your MBA program?
(textbox, 5 words)

And why? (textbox, 50 words)

Scholarship & Financial Aid

Supplemental Application: Batten Scholars Program

All candidates for the Batten Scholars Program are expected to have demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit, strong leadership skills, and a drive to innovate, as well as a deep commitment to career and learning goals that align with the entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology focus areas of the Batten Institute.  Candidates must designate one of the three categories of the Batten Scholarship in their application: entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation. Before applying, be sure to visit the Darden admissions website for details on each scholarship category.
To be considered, candidates must submit a 500-word essay as a part of their Darden application. High-potential candidates should use the essay to describe their experience in one of the three areas below. In addition, strong candidates should address how they intend to contribute to the Darden community at large.
To apply, please select the scholarship for which you are applying and answer the questions below.

Please answer the following in the text box below.
1. How do you meet the criteria of the Batten Scholars Program, consistent with the priorities of the Batten Institute?
2. What are your career ambitions post-Darden in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology?
(textbox, 500 words)

Essays for Applicants – Everything you need to know about essays for your Duke Fuqua MBA application

Our essay questions allow us to get to know you on a personal level. We encourage you to spend some time reflecting on your goals, your aspirations, your achievements, and the role Fuqua could play in your personal and professional development before you get started on your essays. We also invite you to watch this short video for tips and insights for crafting your essays.
As you begin crafting your application essays, it is essential to acknowledge recent technological advancements that can be used to help facilitate the writing process. Tools such as Chat GPT, Grammarly, and other AI software can assist in refining the language, grammar, and structure of your essays. However, it is important to remember that these tools are mere aids and should not overshadow your unique voice and personal experiences. While you may seek guidance from AI tools, ensure that your essays reflect your Fuqua AI, Authentic Individuality. We want you to present an honest narrative that showcases your values, aspirations, and distinct perspectives. Authenticity and genuineness are key when sharing your story with the admissions committee.

One short answer question and two essay questions must be completed before submitting your application. Prepare your responses carefully. The Admissions Committee considers your answers to the following questions important in the selection process.

Reapplicants: candidates who applied during a prior application cycle (2019 and later) are considered reapplicants. All re-applicants are required to complete the Short Answer Question, Essay 2, and Reapplicant Essay. Reapplicants should ensure that they are answering the questions as they are asked since the essay prompts or word counts may have changed since submitting their application in the prior year. Reapplicants are not required to generate a new list of "25 Random Things About Yourself," but may submit the same list from last year OR create a new list of "25 Random Things". The Admission Committee will have access to essays submitted in the prior year. Reapplicants should take advantage of the opportunity to revise their essays and provide the Admissions Committee with new or updated information.

Applicants also have the opportunity to submit optional information explaining any extenuating circumstances about which the Admissions Committee should be aware.

All essays are scanned using plagiarism detection software. Expressing your ideas by using verbiage from existing sources, including websites and other applicants' essays or materials, or having someone else compose your essays, without properly crediting those sources constitutes an act of plagiarism. Plagiarism, an act of theft and fraud, is considered a cheating violation within the Honor Code and will result in an application denial. If you have worked with a consultant or used any form of Generative AI tools (i.e. ChatGPT) to support the completion of your application materials, the expectation is that the work submitted is authentically yours and is a true and factual reflection of who you are and what you have experienced. Falsely representing yourself or providing misleading information in any part of the application is considered an honor code violation. If you are working with Admissions Consultants, please ensure that the Honor Code policy is discussed and your essays will not be shared with other potential applicants.

Short Answer Question

Short answer questions will allow for 100 words.

What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan. (textbox, 100 words)

Essay 1

The 'Team Fuqua' spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. Please share with us “25 Random Things” about you. The Admissions Committee wants to get to know YOU – beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.
Please do not copy the essay question in the document you upload with your application, and limit your response to 2 pages (750 words). Present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.
A note on word counts: you do not need to include the listed numbers 1 – 25 in your total word count. Some word processing programs, like MS Word, will count numbers as “words,” but you may exclude the numbers from your final count. The application will allow you to upload your full essay even if MS Word indicates a slightly higher word count. (upload file)

Essay 2

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and to the development of leaders. Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua?
Please do not copy the essay question in the document you upload with your application, and limit your response to 1 page or 500 words. (upload file)

Optional Information

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance). Note that you should NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Information section is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only.
– Please do not copy the essay question in the document you upload with your application, and limit your response to 1 page or 500 words. (upload file)


Do you have other lived experiences that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee that may give us insight into your opportunities, challenges, and/or achievements? If so, please share 200 words or less explaining how those experiences might affect your contributions to Fuqua. (textbox, 200 words)

Professional Experience – Please explain any breaks more than 2 months in your employment. (textbox)

If your recommender is not your current supervisor, please provide a short explanation. (textbox, 500 words)

Conduct and Honor Code:

  • Have you ever been dropped, suspended, placed on academic or disciplinary probation, disciplined, expelled, requested or advised to resign from any post-secondary school, college, university, professional school, or law school?*
  • Have you ever been arrested, charged or cited for any crime or been convicted of any offense other than a minor traffic violation? You are not required to report any matter that has been expunged by a court of law.*
  • Have you ever been discharged or dismissed from the armed forces other than by honorable discharge or been subject to military discipline?*

By answering "Yes" to one or more of the above questions, you are required to submit a supplementary explanatory statement.
To upload your statement, choose your file and click the upload button. You will be able to preview your document once the upload has completed successfully. (upload file)

The mission of Harvard Business School is to educate leaders who make a difference in the world. Our community strives to accomplish this through a focus on hard work, with humility, for humanity.
Through the rich case- and experience-based curriculum at Harvard Business School, students will develop integrated thinking and judgment skills that will broaden their perspective, impact how they lead, and enable them to make a difference in the world. The HBS classroom and community thrive when we bring together people who can share a variety of experiences and perspectives, while also ensuring they share the common characteristics of being business-minded, leadership-focused, and growth-oriented.
With that in mind, please answer the following questions using clear and concise language. We recommend pre-writing the essays on your computer, then copying and pasting the final products into the text boxes below, as you may lose your work without pressing "Save" often.

Business-Minded: Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you strive to make on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (textbox, up to 300 words)

Leadership-Focused: What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (textbox, up to 250 words)

Growth-Oriented: Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (textbox, up to 250 words)


Family – Please use this section to share any additional information about your family background. (Optional) (textbox, 250 characters)

Post-MBA Goals – Briefly, tell us more about your career aspirations: (textbox, 500 characters)

Activities – for each activity, Description (textbox, 200 char. max)

Awards – for each award, Basis of Selection (textbox, 200 character limit)

Additional Information – Please share additional information here if you need to clarify any information provided in the other sections of your application. This is not meant to be used as an additional essay. Please limit your additional information to the space in this section. We know you'll be tempted, but please don't send us any additional materials (e.g., additional recommendations, work portfolios). To be fair to all applicants, extra materials won't be considered. (textbox, 75 words)

Career Goals Essay

What are your immediate career goal after graduation and your mid-term career goal 5-10 years after graduation? How will the IESE MBA program help you achieve them?” (textbox, word limit 300 max)

Optional Essay

What would you like to highlight about yourself or your journey which may have not been captured in your application? (textbox, word limit 300 max)

Video Essay

This year you will also complete a Video Essay as part of the application. Once you submit the written application and pay the application fees, you will receive a Kira Video Essay link (within 24-hours) to be completed by the Application Round Deadline. The link will expire in 48-hours after receipt, hence to provide yourself with adequate time we recommend submitting the written section a few days ahead of the deadline. There will be three video essay questions that you will be required to complete. We will consider your application as complete and ready to be reviewed only once we have received your answers to the video questions. All instructions for this section will be shared with you along with the link.

Work experience

Do you have any career gaps of 9 months or more? if yes, Please explain it (textbox, 100 words)

IESE Scholarship Essay

Why do you think you deserve a scholarship? (textbox, 450 words)

Essays – The prompts for our essay questions are available here. Please prepare a single document with your responses to each question and upload it under Personal Statement in the Required Documents section below.

Your essays will give us an idea of your personality, perspectives, and opinions and will let us know how closely your professional objectives match the objectives of the MBA program. We encourage you to be honest,
informative, creative, and concise.


1. Discuss your immediate post-MBA professional goals. How will your professional experience, when combined with a Kelley MBA degree, allow you to achieve these goals? Should the short-term goals you have identified not materialize, what alternate career paths might you consider? (500 words)

2. Respond to one of the following short essay prompts. (300 words)

a. My greatest memory is…

b. I'm most afraid of…

c. My greatest challenge has been…

d. I'm most proud of…

3. Share a brief fact about yourself that your classmates would find interesting, surprising, or noteworthy. (25 words)


Is there anything else that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you shouldn't feel obligated to answer this question. (300 words)


Activity 1 Questions

List up to 4 activities outside of your work experience where you have demonstrated skills or attributes relevant to your MBA candidacy.

  • Name of Organization/Activity (textbox, 100 words)
  • Role, Nature of Activity, and Accomplishments (textbox, 500 words)

Market Research Questions

  • How did you hear about us? (textbox, 1000 words)
  • To which other universities are you applying? (textbox, 1000 words)


  1. Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, clients/products and results achieved. (textbox, 200 words maximum)
  2. What would be your next step in terms of position if you were to remain in the same company instead of going to business school? (textbox, 200 words maximum)
  3. Please give a full description of your career since graduating from university. Describe your career path with the rationale behind your choices. (textbox, 300 words maximum)
  4. Discuss your short and long term career aspirations with an MBA from INSEAD. (textbox, 100 words maximum)
  5. If you are currently not working or if you plan to leave your current employer more than 2 months before the programme starts, please explain your activities and occupations between leaving your job and the start of the programme. (optional) (textbox)


  1. Give a candid description of yourself (who are you as a person), stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary (textbox, maximum 500 words).
  2. Consider a situation where you failed to achieve your objective(s). How did you handle failure? What did you learn about yourself and/or your interactions with others from this situation? (textbox, maximum 400 words).
  3. Is there anything else that was not covered in your application that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? (textbox, maximum 300 words)


Shortly after submitting this application form, you will receive a link to a video interview. This video component is required to start the evaluation of your application. Please submit the video interview at your earliest convenience and no later than 48 hours after the deadline to which you are applying. Once submitted, the video interviews cannot be modified. Therefore, please ensure that you carefully test your devices before starting the exercise.
We are keen on getting to know you better and believe that through a video you can come to life, so be spontaneous, be creative and be yourself!
We look forward to virtually meeting you.


Professional background

Please briefly explain any time gaps (2 months or more) since leaving high school that are unaccounted for in your application (textbox, 40 words maximum).

Supplementary Information

Can you please share with us if you plan to attend the programme with a partner and/or children? This information is optional but would enable INSEAD to better welcome you and your family. (textbox, 200 words)

Generative AI can be a powerful aid in crafting an essay, but it should be used as a supplementary tool rather than a replacement for your own effort and creativity. If you choose to use generative AI in your essays, do so with integrity to ensure you provide genuine insights and reflections. You should also cite the use of generative AI by referencing the tool at the conclusion of your essay (Name of Tool, URL).

Tell us more about you

This is your chance to tell us why you think Kellogg is the right place for you. As you get started, remind yourself of the experiences that led you here and how they have shaped where you want to go.

Write your essays in your program of choice, but we ask that you please copy and paste them from Notepad (PC) or TextEdit (Mac) to ensure the proper formatting is saved with your application.

Essay 1

Intentionality is a key aspect of what makes our graduates successful Kellogg leaders. Help us understand your journey by articulating your motivations for pursuing an MBA, the specific goals you aim to achieve, and why you believe now is the right moment. Moreover, share why you feel Kellogg is best suited to serve as a catalyst for your career aspirations and what you will contribute to our community of lifelong learners during your time here. (450 words)
You may copy and paste into the text box below: (textbox, 480 words)

Essay 2

Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle challenges everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Describe a specific professional experience where you had to make a difficult decision. Reflecting on this experience, identify the values that guided your decision-making process and how it impacted your leadership style. (450 words)
Please copy and paste in the text box below: (textbox, 480 words)

Additional information

We know that life is full of extenuating circumstances. Whether you want to explain gaps in work experience, your choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance or something else, you can use this section to briefly tell us anything we need to know about your application.
Please copy and paste in the text box below: (textbox, 280 words)

Video essays

We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words.

The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.

Some things to keep in mind as you prepare to complete this section:

  • Video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline.
  • A video essay link will appear on your Application Status Page after you submit your application and payment.
  • You will need an internet-connected computer with a webcam and microphone.
  • The video should take about 20-25 minutes to complete, which includes time for setup.

After submitting your application and payment, you will be able to access the video essay through your Application Status Page.

Here are some additional tips:

  • There are practice questions that you may complete as many times as you like to get comfortable with the format and technology. The practice questions and experience will simulate the actual video essay experience to help you prepare.
  • We encourage you to practice so you are comfortable with the format once it is time to complete the official questions. You will not have an opportunity to re-do the answer to the official video essay questions.
  • You will have 20 seconds to think about the question and up to one minute to give your response


Employment history – Career goals –

  • Share with us the motivations behind your desired industry/function after graduating from Kellogg. (textbox, 500 characters)
  • What does a successful career look like five years after you graduate from Kellogg? (textbox, 500 characters)


  • For each activity – Description of Participation (textbox, 100 character limit)
  • For each International experiences – purpose (textbox)
  • Jobs or work-study programs – Brief description of employment (textbox, 200 characters)

Question 1. (500 words) What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these?

Question 2. (200 words) What makes you unique?

Question 3. (500 words) (This question is optional) Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School?

Put your full name and the question being answered at the top of each page and use at least 11 point font and 1.5 line spacing for each essay question.
Do NOT include any other self-identifying information in your essays such as social security number or date of birth.
Essays may be submitted to a third party vendor to detect for submissions that may contain plagiarized content.


Part 1: Ross Action-Based Learning

At Michigan Ross, we believe the best way to learn is by doing. In our Full-Time MBA Program, you will put your skills and knowledge to the test in real-world situations with real stakes. How will this learning environment benefit you, and how do you plan to contribute to the action-based learning experience? (300 words) (upload file)

Part 2: How will you make an impact at Michigan Ross?

Michigan Ross is proud to support a community of leaders and impact makers. As a future member of this community, we want to know more about who you are and what drives you. Please choose 1 of the following prompts to tell us more about what makes you stand out beyond your academic and work experience. List the prompt you are answering at the top of your response. (200 words) (upload file)

Select one:

  • What makes you unique?
  • Can you provide a specific example of how you've overcome a personal challenge?
  • What makes you excited to get up each morning?
  • Describe a time when you made a difference in your community or with an individual.

Part 3: Career Aspirations

What is your short-term career goal, and how will Ross help you achieve it? (200 words) (upload file)

Optional Essay

Is there something in your resume or application that needs a brief explanation? Appropriate uses of this essay would be the explanation of an employment gap, academic outliers, choice of recommender, completion of supplemental coursework, etc. You may use bullet points where appropriate. (250 words) (upload file)


Contact with Ross School of Business – Have you attended any Ross events (online or in person) or been in contact with a member of the Ross community in the past year? If so, please list event and location, and/or contact name and association with Ross. Please also share any referrals to the Ross program made by staff or alumni. (textbox)

Statement of Academic Readiness – GMAT WAIVER

Please demonstrate why you are ready to meet the academic rigor of our program (textbox, 200 words).
In support of your answer, please upload evidence of accredited academic study, relevant work experience or other relevant accomplishments using the following button:

Crime and Conduct

* Have you ever been expelled, suspended or placed on probation by any secondary school or college you have attended, for reason of academic dishonesty or because of an offense that harmed or had the potential to harm others? (You must check a response.) Yes/No

* Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation, or been found to be delinquent by a juvenile court, or are there such charges currently pending against you at this time? (You must check a response.) Yes/No

* Have you ever had a professional license revoked or been subject to disciplinary action by a licensing board or commission due to an ethical violation or professional misconduct? (You must check a response.) Yes/No

If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above, please enter your explanation here. Please limit your response to no more than 50 lines of text. (textbox)

Cover Letter

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and can be addressed to:

Admissions Committee
50 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02142

Your cover letter should be 300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation. If you have any additional questions, please visit our FAQ page.
Upload a Word or PDF document.

Organizational Chart

Our goal is to learn about you and your professional background. Your current employer's organizational chart will help us better understand the role you play within your organization, who you report to, and the impact you might have on your department or company.

Some important details:

  • Give us as much detail as possible (names, titles, etc.) but it’s ok to redact names if you need to.
  • Please circle your role in red so that your position is easily identifiable.
  • Make sure we can easily identify where you are, to whom you report, and if applicable, who reports to you.
  • If your recommender or references are on your organizational chart (they may not be, and that’s ok!), please highlight them for us.
  • If you are a consultant, entrepreneur, or affiliated with the military review our FAQs for suggestions on how to approach the organizational chart.
    Please upload an organizational chart that outlines the internal structure of your place of employment. Limit to two pages. (upload file)

Video Question 1

Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here's your chance to put a face to your name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, and be yourself. We can't wait to meet you!

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No more than 1 minute (60 seconds) in length
  • Single take (no editing)
  • Speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles
  • Note: While we ask you to introduce yourself to your future classmates in this video, the video will not be shared beyond the admissions committee and is for use in the application process only.

Upload Instructions:

  • To upload media to your digital portfolio, add the files using the "Select Files" button below and click "Start Upload." Uploading may take anywhere from seconds to several hours depending upon the size of the media file and your connection speed. If your file is large, we recommend that you upload from a wired connection if possible.
  • Once your file has been received, it will be displayed under the "Your Portfolio" tab. Your file will be processed and converted into its final form soon after uploading. Processing may take several minutes or hours depending upon the file size. You do not need to remain on this page after the media has been uploaded, as processing will occur automatically and independently.
  • You may re-order your uploaded media at any time by dragging the slides around. Please supply title and media information by clicking Edit Details.
  • Should you experience difficulties uploading your file, please ensure that you're using a modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) on the fastest wired Internet connection available. An intermittent or slow Internet connection can cause uploads to timeout.

File Sizes and Types:

We support media files as large as 5GB, but please be advised that larger files will take longer to upload from your Internet connection and may stall if you are on a wireless connection or one that cannot sustain a connection for the necessary period of time. Uploaded documents may contain no more than 75 pages. We support the following file formats:

Video: .3g2, .3gp, .avi, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .mxf, .webm, .wmv

Video Question 2

All MBA applicants will be prompted to respond to a randomly generated, open-ended question. The question is designed to help us get to know you better; to see how you express yourself and to assess fit with the MIT Sloan culture. It does not require prior preparation.

Video Essay 2 is part of your required application materials and will appear as a page within the application, once the other parts of your application are completed. Applicants are given 5 seconds to prepare for a 60-second response.

Short Answer Question

The Admissions Committee is excited to learn more about you and your background. Please respond to the following short answer question:
How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your life experiences and perspective. Please use this opportunity to share more about your background.
Please do not include any links in your response. (textbox, 250 words or less)


Academic Record

Are there any areas of concern with regard to your academic record? If so, please briefly explain here in a few sentences: (textbox)

If applying for GMAT waiver:

Please explain why you are not able to submit a test score. This should NOT be a Statement of Academic Readiness and should focus only on the circumstances surrounding your inability to take a GMAT (Focus Edition) or GRE. (textbox, 250 words)

Employment Information

If there are any gaps in your employment history, please use the space below to explain. (textbox)

Our Stern essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals, and thought processes.

Please note the following details when completing your essays:

  • Written essays must be submitted using double-spacing and 12-point font.
  • Your response to Essay 1 should answer all parts of the question with a maximum of 350 words.
  • Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be revoked if you did not write your essays.

Uploading Formats

You may upload Word and PDF documents into the online application.

Short Answer: Professional Aspirations

(150 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

What are your short-term career goals?

(upload file)

Essay 1: Change: _____ it

(350 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

Change: Dare It. Dream It. Drive It. In today’s global business environment, the only constant is change. Using NYU Stern’s brand call to action, we want to know how you view change. Change: _____ it. Fill in the blank with a word of your choice. Why does this word resonate with you? How will you embrace your own personal tagline while at Stern? Examples:

  • Change: Dare it.
  • Change: Dream it.
  • Change: Drive it.
  • Change: Empower it.
  • Change: Manifest it.
  • Change: [Any word of your choice] it.

(upload file)

Essay 2: Personal Expression (a.k.a. "Pick Six")

Introduce yourself to the Admissions Committee and to your future classmates using six images and corresponding captions. The Pick Six is a way to share more about the qualities you will bring to the Stern community, beyond your professional and academic achievements. Your uploaded PDF should contain all of the following elements:
A brief introduction or overview of your "Pick Six" (no more than 3 sentences).
Six images that help illustrate your interests, values, motivations, perspective and/or personality.
A one-sentence caption for each of the six images that helps explain why they were selected and are significant to you.
Note: Your visuals may include photos, infographics, drawings, collages, or any other images. Your document must be uploaded as a single PDF. The essay cannot be sent in physical form or be linked to a website.

(upload file)

Essay 3: Additional Information (optional)

(500 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee and/or give context to your application. This may include important aspects of yourself not otherwise apparent in your application, including but not limited to: hardships you have encountered, current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE, Executive Assessment, IELTS or TOEFL, or any other relevant information.

If you are a reapplicant, please utilize this optional essay to highlight any changes since your last application.

(upload file)

Standardized Test Waiver Request

If you feel that you are able to demonstrate academic readiness without a standardized test score, you may submit a request for a standardized test waiver for the Full-Time and Luxury & Retail MBA programs. Those who provide strong examples of academic readiness (e.g.: strong analytical or quantitative undergraduate or graduate majors, professional work experience, certifications, etc.) may receive a standardized test waiver.
Please ensure that you submit your standardized test waiver request at least three weeks prior to when you plan to submit your MBA application. You can start your Standardized Test Waiver Request by clicking "Start New Application" and selecting 2025 MBA Test Waiver Application.
If your request for a standardized test waiver has been approved, you are not required to complete this page of the application. Standardized test waiver requests must be submitted prior to submitting your 2024-25 application to the Full-time Two-year or Luxury & Retail MBA program. Test waiver requests submitted after your MBA application will not be reviewed.

Submit a completed test waiver request by Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 11:59 EST.

Brief essay response to the prompt: Please list the coursework completed, certifications held, and professional experience you have that demonstrates academic readiness for an MBA program. You may use bullet points. (300 word limit)


Activities and Achievements

  • List college extracurricular, professional, or community activities in the order of their importance to you. Include dates of involvement and any offices held (e.g., Activity – Dates of Involvement – Office Held). (textbox)
  • List post-college extracurricular, professional, or community activities or organizations you have been a part of in the order of their importance to you. Include dates of involvement and any offices held (e.g., Activity – Dates of Involvement – Office Held). (textbox)
  • List any college and post-college awards, scholarships, or other types of recognition you have received (academic – for example, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude; military; extracurricular; professional; community). (textbox)
  • Professional Certifications – List any professional certifications you have received (e.g. CFA, CPA, PMP, Series 7, etc.) (textbox)

Background Information – Disciplinary Background

  • Have you ever (a) been subject to any disciplinary action, academic probation, suspension, or dismissal from an educational institution, or (b) withdrawn or been required to withdraw for academic or non-academic misconduct from an educational institution; or is any such action pending or expected to be brought against you?
    If yes, Please explain the circumstances in the field below (limit 1000 characters): (textbox)
  • Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving financial impropriety, or is any such action pending or expected to be brought against you? You should answer “no” if your conviction has been sealed, expunged, or overturned or if you were arrested but acquitted, or if the charges against you were dropped.
    If yes, Please explain the circumstances in the field below (limit 1000 characters): (textbox)
  • Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked, or have you ever been sanctioned by a professional organization, or is any such action pending or expected to be brought against you?
    If yes, Please explain the circumstances in the field below (limit 1000 characters): (textbox)
  • Have you ever been convicted at trial, or pled guilty to, a criminal offense involving violence, physical force or the threat of physical force, a sexual offense, or is any such action pending or expected to be brought against you?
    You should answer “no” if your conviction has been sealed, expunged, or overturned or if you were arrested but acquitted, or if the charges against you were dropped.
    If yes, Please explain the circumstances in the field below (limit 1000 characters): (textbox)

We request that you write two personal essays.

In each essay, we want to hear your genuine voice. Think carefully about your values, passions, aims and dreams. There is no "right answer" to these questions — the best answer is the one that is truest for you.

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you've identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them.


Both essays combined may not exceed 1000 words. We recommend up to 650 words for Essay A and up to 350 words for Essay B. We often read effective essays that are written in fewer words.


  • Double-spaced
  • Number all pages
  • Upload one document that includes both essays

Be sure to save a copy of your essays, and preview the uploaded document to ensure that the formatting is preserved. Please visit our website for additional guidance on writing your essays.
(Upload file)

Short Answer Question

In this section, we provide an optional opportunity for you to discuss some of your contributions more fully.

What do we mean by "optional"? We mean you have the opportunity to choose. In evaluating your application, we want to know about who you are and how you think Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. If you feel that you've already addressed these questions well in other areas of the application, congratulations, you're done!

If you would like to discuss your contributions more fully, this section is the place to do so. Perhaps you would like to expand upon a bullet item from your resume and tell us more about the “how” or “why” behind the “what.” Or maybe you have had an impact in a way that doesn’t fit neatly in another part of the application. You are welcome to share up to three examples (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example).

Think about a time in the last few years when you've created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? (textbox, 1200 characters)

[] Check here to add another example

Additional Information

We are deliberate in the questions we ask. We believe that we get to know you well through all of the elements of your application. Complete this section only if you have critical information you could not convey elsewhere on your application (e.g., extenuating circumstances affecting academic or work performance). This section should not be used as an additional essay. (textbox, 1200 characters)


Personal Information

  • Additional Context – We know that each person is more than a list of facts or pre-defined categories. With this space, we provide you with an optional opportunity to elaborate on how your background or life experiences have helped shape your recent actions or choices. (textbox, 1200 characters)


  • Additional Coursework – If you have completed or are in the process of completing any additional coursework not shown on your transcripts (e.g., professional certifications, MBA prep classes, English enrichment classes, etc.), provide relevant information here. (textbox, 320 characters)

Activities and Interests

  • For each activity – Description of activity/interest and your role, impact, or contribution (textbox, 320 characters)

Awards and Honors

  • For each award – Basis of Selection (textbox, 500 characters)

Professional Experience

  • Post-GSB Aspirations – Briefly share your short- and long-term professional aspirations after graduating from Stanford GSB. (textbox, 255 characters)

Please respond to the following essay prompts.

For information on writing your essays, read our guidance on the Tuck 360 blog.

1. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why now? How will the distinct Tuck MBA contribute to achieving your goals and aspirations? (textbox, 300 words)

2. Tell us who you are. How have your values and experiences shaped your identity and character? How will your background contribute to the diverse Tuck culture and community? (textbox, 300 words)

3. Describe a time you meaningfully contributed to someone else’s sense of inclusion in your professional or personal community. (textbox, 300 words)

4. Optional: Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of references, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. For advice on how this section is best used and when to refrain from using it altogether, read our guidance on the Tuck360 blog. (textbox, 300 words)

All reapplicants must respond to an additional essay prompt:

  • How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words)


Application Specifics

  • Share your short-term professional goals. (textbox, 50 words)
  • Share your long-term professional goals. (textbox, 50 words)


In the box below, provide additional context for your academic and professional quantitative and analytical experience. This may include a description of your quantitative and analytical job duties and/or details regarding your relevant coursework. Please do not include information that is not related to your quantitative/analytical competency. (textbox, 150 word limit)

We look forward to learning about your perspectives and plans via your responses to the short essay prompts. Essays complement the answers you provide throughout the application to show us your whole profile. The best applications are introspective, genuine and succinct in directly answering our questions and showing clear plans for the future.

A) Short Essay Prompts: For the 2024-2025 application year, we have three short essay prompts that are required for first-time applicants:

1 – Why are you pursuing an MBA? (150 words)

2 – Describe your short-term and long-term post-MBA career goals. (150 words)

3 – At Anderson, our mission is to prepare transformative leaders by developing students to think innovatively, problem-solve, and adapt to others – all with a driven and purposeful mindset. How do you plan to achieve your goals and develop into a transformative leader during your time at UCLA Anderson? (250 words)

Strong essays describe the impact of your achievement and clarify its connection to your future MBA plans in the short- and long-term. We look forward to learning about the specific ways your achievement helped set you up for future success.

B) Optional Essay: No preference is given in the evaluation process to those who choose to respond to this optional essay, so please use your best judgment:

Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions committee should be aware? (250 words maximum)

First-time applicant and re-applicants (those who applied to begin the program in the fall of 2024 or 2023 are required to complete both essays.

The Admissions Committee wants to get to know you on both a professional and personal level. We encourage you to be introspective, candid and succinct. Most importantly, we suggest you be yourself.

Required Essays

1. How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (textbox, 500 words)

2. Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (textbox, 400 words)

Additional Information (Optional)

Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (textbox, 500 words)


Personal information

  • Community Honors/Recognitions – List any awards, recognitions, honors, and/or fellowships/scholarships that you have received in your collegiate or broader personal communities. (textbox, 2000 characters)

Extracurricular Activities/Community Engagement

  • For each activity – Please describe this activity, including what you accomplished and any recognition you received, etc. (textbox, 150 characters)

Work Experience

  • How many employees do you supervise? Please explain this number briefly (i.e. direct reports, matrix organization, dotted line). (textbox, 500 characters)
  • Professional Awards, Honors, and Recognitions – List your most significant professional awards, honors and/or recognitions you have received. (textbox, 2000 characters)

Academic Background

  • Academic Honors and Awards – If applicable, list any academic honors, awards, recognitions, fellowships, etc. received during your educational career. (textbox, 1000 characters)

Test Information

  • English Language Test Waiver – I am waiving the English language test because I have earned an undergraduate or master's degree in an English-speaking country or from an institution at which English is the language of instruction or I have spent 4 years in an English speaking professional environment. (If waiving due to professional environment, please provide a description of your environment below.)
    If waiving due to professional environment or academic experience, please provide a description here. (textbox, 1000 characters)
  • Additional Language Information – Standardized test scores are not the only indicator of language skills, therefore, if you have submitted an English language test score, please use this section to describe how, when and where you are using English in your day-to-day life. This should include circumstances where you speak, read or write in English on a regular basis. (200 words) (textbox, 1000 characters)

Why We’re Asking

We want to know what matters to you. The questions below are designed to help us gain insight into your background, passions, motivations, responsibilities, ideals, identities, challenges, or aspirations, depending on where you take your response.

Choose One Required Essay

Please respond to one (1) of the three essay prompts below. The word limit (though not necessarily the goal!) is 500 words.

1) Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made.
Why is this commitment meaningful to you and what actions have you taken to support it?

2) Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you.
What is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community?

3) Describe the most significant challenge you have faced.
How have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person?

Other Written Materials

For Re-applicants: If you have applied to the Yale School of Management in the last two years, you must complete both the required essay and the re-applicant essay.

For Everyone: If any aspect of your application requires additional explanation, you can address it in the Optional Information section below. Please note, you should use the specific prompts provided in the Work Experience section to address gaps in work experience or choice of recommender. The Optional Information section is truly optional – if no aspect of your application requires further explanation, you should leave this section blank.

Your essay must be entirely your own work. Although you may ask others for general feedback, you may not allow anyone to write or edit your essay. Please see our AI Statement for additional guidance.

Required Essay

Please indicate which essay prompt you have chosen: (select)

Choose one (1) of the three prompts above. (500 words maximum)
(upload file)

Optional Information

If any aspect of your candidacy needs further explanation, please provide a brief description here. (200 words maximum)
(upload file)

Video Questions

After you pay any application fee due, a link to our video questions will appear on your status page. The video questions are not a substitute for the interview. Instead, they provide a unique way for us to assess your communication skills and enable us to create a more dynamic, multi-dimensional profile of each candidate. The questions will take roughly 30 minutes to complete. If you require accessibility accommodations, please contact mba.admissions@yale.edu.

Behavioral Assessment

In addition to the video questions, a link to our Behavioral Assessment will also appear on your status page after you pay the application fee. The Behavioral Assessment is a non-cognitive instrument that measures a set of inter- and intrapersonal competencies that are associated with academic success in business school. We look at it alongside, and sometimes as a counterpoint to, traditional academic metrics. It gives us an additional piece of information to use in assessing who will perform effectively in the curriculum, specifically by helping us predict who will perform better than their academic history might suggest. And much like any other piece of the application, the Behavioral Assessment will never be the deciding factor for admission, but will instead be used in combination with the rest of your profile.

The assessment is a series of questions that will take roughly 25 minutes to complete. It does not require any knowledge or advanced preparation, you’ll simply be presented with pairs of statements and asked to select the ones that best match your own behaviors.


Work experience

  • Gaps in Work Experience – Have you had any post-undergraduate employment gaps in full-time employment of greater than three months (other than for graduate study), or are you currently unemployed?
    If yes, please use the space below to provide more information. (textbox, 250 words maximum)
  • Choice of Recommenders – Is one of your letters of recommendation from a current supervisor (or your most recent supervisor, if you are not currently employed)? If no, please explain. (textbox, 50 words maximum)

Post-MBA Career Interests

  • Career Interests – Briefly describe your career interests and how you arrived at them. What have you already done to pursue these interests? What do you need to do going forward? (textbox, 200 words maximum)

Background Information

  • Supplemental Detail – If you would like to elaborate on any of your responses within this section, or any other aspect of your background, we encourage you to do so here. (textbox, 250 words)
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