שאלות וידאו – MBA Video Essays
בשנים האחרונות הוסיפו חלק מתוכניות ה-MBA המובילות אלמנט נוסף לאפליקיישן שלהם – שאלות וידאו – במטרה לאפשר למועמדים לספר עוד על עצמם ולוועדת הקבלה להכיר טוב יותר את האנשים שמאחורי האפליקיישן. התשובות לשאלות הוידאו גם מאפשרות לוועדת הקבלה לבחון את השליטה באנגלית של המועמד.
לאחר הגשת האפליקיישן לתוכניות אלו, מקבל המועמד אימייל עם לינק לפלטפורמה בה יוכל לצלם ולהגיש את תשובותיו לשאלות הוידאו. בדרך כלל נשאלות 2-3 שאלות שמוגרלות רנדומלית מתוך מאגר גדול, כאשר לפניהן יש מספר שאלות 'חימום' כדי שהמועמד יתרגל. לאחר הצגת השאלה מקבל המועמד 45-60 שניות לחשוב על תשובה, ואז עליו להתחיל להקליט את תשובתו.
למטה תוכלו למצוא מידע על שאלות הוידאו ששואלים בתי הספר. לקוחות ארינגו מקבלים גישה למערכת יחודית שפיתחנו לתרגול שאלות וידאו אמיתיות – צרו קשר לפרטים נוספים.
Possible video questions for Kellogg:
- What possession or memento do you treasure most and why?
• If you had an extra hour every day, what would you do with it?
• What piece of technology could you not live without and why?
• What word describes you best and why?
• Tell us about the first job you ever had?
• What’s the best book you have ever read and why?
• When you have a problem, whom do you approach for advice and why?
• What accomplishment are you really proud of?
• What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?
• If you could witness any event..past present or future-what would it be?
• What one interesting / fun fact would you want your future Kellogg classmates to know about you?
• If you could teach a class on any topic. What would it be and why?
• If you were given a chance to meet anyone, current or historical, who would you meet and why?
• What was the most interesting class you took at University?
• Tell us about an organization or activity in which you have dedicated significant time. Why was it meaningful to you?
• Tell us about something good someone else did for you and how you felt about it?
• Tell us about the most interesting place you’ve traveled to. What did you enjoy most about it.
• What invention during your lifetime has had the biggest impact on you and why?
• If money was not a concern. what would you do?
• Why did you choose your college major?
• What is the most meaningful thing anyone has done for you in your life? X 2
• If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
• What food do you like? Will you be able to eat that food everyday?
• How have you changed in the last 5 years?
• Whom do you respect most, and why?
• What is your favorite motto or quote, and why
• What risk have you taken and what did you learn?
• What impact do you have on your co-workers?
• What inspires you?
• What are you most passionate about?
• What is your favorite song/artist/album?
• What superpower you'd want and why?
• What piece of art is significant to you
• What do you think about green energy
• What's your favorite local food?
From Yale's admissions blog: Tips for Answering the Video Questions
We introduced video questions this season as a way to get a fuller, more complete sense of all applicants, rather than only being able to hear directly from those applicants we invite to interview with us. After reviewing this year’s first-round applications, our sense is that the video questions have helped applicants present their candidacies more effectively than they would from a purely “paper” application, and we have heard from applicants themselves that they found the process to be quite positive, despite concerns about their familiarity with the format (if you’ve ever Skyped, you’re familiar with the format).
For Round 2 applicants who have yet to complete their video questions, I offer a few thoughts and insights. You will be asked to answer three questions: first, an open-ended, introductory question about yourself; next, a “behavioral” question similar to what you would be asked in a business school or job interview that asks how you handled a certain professional situation; and finally, a “thought” question that offers a statement and asks if you agree or disagree with it, and why. The questions are meant to give us a better sense of who you are, how you act, and how you think.
The questions themselves do not take long to answer—you can complete them in a single 15-minute session, and all you need is a webcam and an internet connection to do so. Each question gives you 20 seconds to think about the answer and up to 90 seconds for the response (although you don’t need to use all 90 seconds—something I think some Round 1 applicants wished they knew!). And they do not require extensive preparation; the time you spent preparing your application and thinking about yourself and your academic and professional experiences should serve you well for the video questions. I would especially emphasize that we do not expect perfection with these questions. We know that they are unrehearsed, extemporaneous, in-the-moment responses. We are more concerned about the thoughtfulness of your responses than the “polish” of the presentation. (That said, please do dress appropriately.)
For the first and third question you’ll be given 20 seconds to think about your response and then 60 seconds to answer. For the second question you’ll be given 30 seconds to think about your response and then 90 seconds to answer. Additionally, you’ll have time in-between each question, as you are in charge of selecting when you’re ready to move on to the next question.
2020-2021 application instructions:
You will receive access to the video questions after you submit your application and pay your application fee. The video questions are not a substitute for the interview; they are a component of your MBA application.
Every candidate will receive three randomized, previously recorded questions asked by an admissions team member. No two applicants will have the same set of questions. The questions asked are similar to typical interview questions, and there are no “trick questions.” We are not trying to stump you.
After the question has been asked, two of the questions will allow for 20 seconds to gather your thoughts and 60 seconds to deliver an answer. The third question asked will allow for 30 seconds to prepare your response and 90 seconds to respond. You do not need to fill the entire response time. You can complete your answer and end the recording.
Here are a few tips on the video exercise. First, know you’re going to be great! This is not a deal breaker or maker. It doesn’t require any preparation beyond the practice tool you can access before you start your recordings. Don’t stress; we’re trying to set you up for success. One piece of advice is to familiarize yourself with the 60-90 second time frame. You don’t want to feel rushed in your answer, and you also don’t want to only utilize 10 seconds. Next, practice using Skype so that you can be comfortable speaking to a computer camera, which can feel awkward for some. And finally, be sure you have a good internet connection and a quiet, private space. You’d be surprised how many ‘bloopers’ we see in the video questions due to an unexpected colleague, partner, or pet joining your session!
From BusinessWeek: "To Be a Yale MBA, You Have to Look Good on Video"
MBA applicants to the Yale School of Management will soon confront a new wrinkle in the application process: Their answers to some questions will be videotaped.
Admissions Director Bruce DelMonico says Yale, which experimented with video in 2011 and again this year, is making it part of the application for all applicants starting with the 2013-14 application cycle. The move would make Yale one of very few MBA programs that incorporate video into the application process.
DelMonico says one-on-one interviews, while important, do not do the best job of gauging an applicant’s ability to think on his feet. Responses are polished, and one interviewer’s impressions may not be shared by everyone on the admissions team. Video responses can be compared with those of other applicants and reviewed by multiple team members. Since the questions are not known in advance, responses can’t be scripted, he adds.
“Obviously being able to think and speak in the moment is an important quality for business leaders and the people we want to bring into our program,” DelMonico says.
While Yale is still working out the details, DelMonico says applicants will likely be directed to a website via which they will receive three questions. After each opens, they will be given 10 to 20 seconds to think about their response, and a further minute or so to answer the question. The questions, chosen randomly from a list, will probably include a behavioral question asking about a past experience; a thought question asking the applicant to respond to a statement; and a data interpretation question.
The results will be used, along with the rest of the application elements, to evaluate the candidate and to determine if he or she should be invited for an on-campus interview. The addition of the video component will likely be accompanied by a decrease in the number of essay questions. During the 2012-13 application cycle, Yale asked four essay questions. DelMonico says the number of essays will likely be cut in half.
Yale’s approach is very similar to that of the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Business, which added a video component to its MBA application process last year, citing the difficulty of getting an “authentic” view of applicants from essays. At New York University’s Stern School of Business, applicants have the option of answering one required essay question, using video, artwork, or other media in place of the traditional essay.
Learn about Video Questions and the Interview.
Possible video questions for Yale:
• Where do you want to travel in the world and why?
• Explain your hobbies
• What is the biggest challenge facing leaders today?
• What are your personal steps to conflict resolution?
• Do you think technology divides or unites us?
• Most significant accomplishment
• Time when you face resistant
• "leaders do not search consensus but molder of consensus"
• What qualities would your friends use to describe you.
• How would your friend and coworkers describe you?
• Please respond to the following statement: “Without Arts, an education can not be accomplished” Do you agree or disagree? why?
• What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses.
• Please respond to the following statement: “As businesses become more global, the differences between cultures decrease.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?
• Tell us about a challenging work experience and how you handled it.
• Tell us about how you engaged with a community or an Organization.
• Tell us about your leadership style.
• How did you contribute to your company/organization?
• Please respond to the following statement: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Do you agree or disagree? why?
• Do you agree or disagree with the notion that chief executive's first priority should be a profit for shareholders?
• What accomplishment are you most proud of?
• Tell us about a difficult decision and how you handled it?
• Tell us about a creative solution you designed
• Tell us about a shortcut you and a team could have taken, but decided not to
• If we asked your colleagues about your weakness and strengths, what would they say ?
• How will you resolve a conflict with your future classmates at the program?
• Why is now the time for you to pursue an MBA? / Why have you chosen to do your MBA now?
• Tell us about a time when you fell behind on a task/deadline. Why did you fall behind, and what steps did you take to catch up?
• “The People who we remember most are the people who break the rules.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
• Tell us about a time when you had to exert extra effort to complete a task. What was that task and what steps did you take to be successful?
• What piece of art is significant to you
• What do you think about green energy
• What's your favorite local food?
Rotman requires 2 video questions.
Examples of questions:
- What would you like to tell your future classmates?
- Tell about an activity you enjoy.
- What was the the greatest advice your first boss gave you?
- What was the biggest risk you've taken so far?
- How would your co-workers describe you?
- Identify an influential figure in your lives, and why
- What do you do for fun?
- What are your passions, interests, and hobbies?
- If you could travel across the United States in a car with anyone, whom would you choose to travel with and why?
- What would you do on a rainy Sunday afternoon?
- How have you handled a difficult interaction? What did you learn from it?
- Describe a difficult professional decision you had to make. What were the consequences, and what, if anything, did you learn?
- How do you celebrate success?
- What trait is the most important to you? Why?
- Why MBA?
- Why you?
- What did you do in the past week that was brave?
- What drives you in your personal life?
- If you had to perform in a talent show, what would you choose to act?
You must record your answers to 4 questions. Questions always vary from one applicant to another. You have 45 seconds to prepare each answer and 60 seconds to record your answer.
You can practice an unlimited number of times. The practice session has several questions available and you can do as many practice sessions as you need to feel comfortable with the video interviewing. You do not need to complete everything in one go. You can create an account and come back later.
No, the practice questions are available for you to prepare, learn and improve. You can replay them and see how you performed and/or check if the sound and image are satisfactory.
You will need an internet connection, a camera and a microphone. You can test your devices before starting the exercise. If you wish to use your phone, you can download the Kira interviews for your iOS or Android device. It works with iOS 7+, and Android 4.0+. If you are searching on an iPad, please check under iPhone Only apps.
If you experience technological issues with the video (practice questions, device set up, etc.), please check the following technical support webpage https://www.kiratalent.com/support/. You can either e-mail, phone or chat with the Kira technicians.
The unique link to the video interview is available within an hour of submitting your application. An e-mail message containing the link is sent to you by Kira Academic. The link is also available on the dashboard of the online application system.
Please complete your video interviews at your earliest convenience and no later than 48 hours after the deadline to which you are applying. We strongly recommend however that you complete this step before the final date to allow yourself some time to prepare for this exercise.
Some Advice:
- For optimal user experience, we recommend that you use Microsoft Edge or Chrome to record your Kira videos;
- You can prepare yourself by practicing as much as you want. This will enable you to convey authentic and genuine answers. Practice questions are not shared with the Admissions Committee;
- Test your camera, your microphone, then forget the technology and look at the camera as if you were talking to the Admissions Committee;
- Although we ask you to wear business or business casual attire, the Admissions Committee will not judge your look or your background;
- You may want to prepare a notebook next to you to write down your key ideas; you will have 45 seconds to prepare each answer; you will then have 60 seconds to share each answer with the Admissions Committee.
Examples for INSEAD video questions:
- Explain what you would do to gain respect as a new manager.
- Describe a time when understanding someone else’s perspective helped you understand him/her better.
- Please describe a situation in which you worked will people from different background and how did you adapted.
- Please describe a situation in which you worked with someone who had different opinions than yours.
- Encounter with different people (diversity question) and how did it effect you.
- Give examples of how you stay focused on your vision or the vision of your company?
- What do you know about the INSEAD MBA program?
- What will consider a success if you were to attend INSEAD?
- What do you think are the key elements for starting and running a successful business?
- What do you believe to be the 3 top values of a business/company?
- How would you approach a team member that is not putting his share of work towards the goal?
- What are the 3 factors that you would like to incorporate in your company?
- Tell us about a time when listening to another person helped changes my perspective.
- How would INSEAD help you to achieve your career goals?
- What are the 3 main things an entrepreneur needs in order to be successful.
- What makes you can good candidate for the INSEAD MBA program?
- What do you think of the sentence "in Rome, act like a Roman" and why?
- Tell us about an experience where you were significantly impacted by cultural diversity, in a positive or negative way.
- Tell us about an international encounter you had. what did you learn from it?
- Tell me about an experience living, travelling, studying or working abroad. What was this experience like for you?
- What do you know about INSEAD?
- Tell us about a manager you looked up to – what were the qualities you liked?
- A colleague is asking you to help him/her to assess his/her future career options. How do you help him/her grow?
- Do you think that companies should consider factors other than maximizing value?
- How would you define success for your career?
- If you were a team leader an you had a worker who is constantly under-delivers – what would you do?
- Please explain why and how networking will help you in a start-up situation?
- what are the 3 main reasons you chose INSEAD?
- If you had unlimited resources and funds – what company will you create?
How do you define success?
- What do you want to achieve?
- If one of your classmates isn’t getting along with the local culture, how would you approach him/her?
- If someone comes from a different culture to your country, what advice would you give him?
- What skills are the most important for a successful entrepreneur?
- If you could change one thing in the world to make it a better place, what would you do?
- Tell us about some challenging goals you have set for yourself during your year at INSEAD?
- Tell us about an experience where you were significantly impacted by cultural diversity, in a positive or negative way.
How your colleagues would describe you leadership style? Give an example
What makes you unique? In a one-minute video, describe the most compelling aspects of yourself that you believe make you unique from other MBA candidates. (Hint: one minute goes fast! We already have your resume and goals – share something new!) Use this video as an opportunity to bring life to your application.
- You may use your phone, computer, or other means to record the video, but please ensure all audio and visual components are clear. We recommend a well-lit room and minimal noise distraction.
- Upload your video to an accessible website (such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, or Tudou), and submit the direct video URL into your online application.
- Please note that all videos must remain active and accessible to the admissions committee online for a minimum of five years for record retention purposes.
- For your privacy: Do not include your name in the title of your video. You may submit “unlisted” videos via YouTube or password protected videos through Vimeo. If using a password, please include immediately after your link in the text box below. [Ex: www.youtube.com/123, password: Hoyas]
For more instructions, view the Video Essay Guide.
LBS added a video component to their application process for September 2017 intake. Here is some information from a post on LBS admissions blog:
"So this year we are introducing a video submission element for all candidates who reach the interview stage. This was not a decision we took lightly. We’ve been considering making this introduction for a couple of years. We piloted the process last year with a few candidates, to help us assess English language skills. But this year we are going all-out and using the videos to help us learn a lot more about you.
I want to take this opportunity to reassure all interviewees that we are being very thoughtful about how we use this exciting new addition to our process. The team have carefully considered what our expectations are and the limitations of the new addition. We recognise that we need to consider cultural differences, as we do with everything, because we have such an international community. Some people will feel a lot more comfortable than others filming themselves answering questions. And some professional backgrounds train you to carry out such activities. We are NOT looking to use this as a tool to disqualify candidates or ‘catch you out’. Quite the opposite – it is another opportunity to shine and help us get to know you. Don’t even worry (too much) if you don’t time your answers perfectly – we won’t deduct points. We just want to see how you perform on both the prepared question and the unprepared section. We love meeting candidates at events, but it’s not possible to meet you all, so this helps us see you in action."
LBS candidates are aksed 2 questions – the 1st one is known in advance (see #1 below) and the 2nd is randomly selected. The second question is a behavioral question, and it varies from candidate to candidate. Here are some optional questions (you may get one of these questions, or a paraphrase of one of these questions. You may also get a different question entirely – they have a question bank of hundreds of questions).
Candidate is given 40 seconds to think of an answer and 90 seconds to record the answer for each question.
Examples of LBS video questions:
- What will you gain from the London Business School MBA Programme that you won’t gain from another MBA programme? (question for all candidates, known in advance ; Basically, they ask WHY LBS?)
- Tell us about a time a team member did not “pull his weight” in the team, How did you handle this situation?
- Tell us about a time you were introduced to a new culture. What did you gain from this experience?
- Why do you think you are fit for working in an international environment?
- What is the importance of diversity at the workplace?
- Describe a time when you were a leader.
- What is the most important aspect of teamwork?
- What is the most challenging aspect of working in an internationally diverse environment?
- Tell us about a situation in which you were part of a dysfunctional team, and what steps did you take to improve the situation.
- Please give an example of an encounter you've had with another culture or had to adapt to a different culture, and what did you learn from it.
- Tell us why working in an international environment is important to you?
- What, in your opinion, is most challenging about studying in a diverse study group?
- Tell us about a time you were unfairly judged and how you dealt with it
- Tell us about a difficult discussion you had to make and how you rallied your team
- How do you go about learning a new subject give examples if needed
MIT Sloan
MIT's application requires a video statement. When reviewing submissions, the schools is judging presentation and communication skills first, and then content. Also, one needs to highlight their personal attributes more than professional experience.
Here are the instructions:
Applicants are required to upload a 1 minute (60 seconds) video as part of their application. In your video, you should introduce yourself to your future classmates, tell us about your past experiences, and touch on why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your degree.
Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:
- No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length
- Single take (no editing)
- You should be speaking directly to the camera
- Do not include background music or subtitles
We recommend using applications such as QuickTime or iMovie to record yourself. Upload the video file according to the detailed instructions within the application.
We support the following file formats: .avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .webm, .wmv. Apple ProRes is not currently supported. If uploading a .mov, please use an alternate codec.
Should you experience difficulties uploading your file, please ensure that you're using a modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) on the fastest wired internet connection available. An intermittent or slow internet connection can cause uploads to timeout.
The video statement asks us to introduce ourselves to our future classmates. What is the Admissions Committee looking for in this video?
The Admissions Committee is looking to get to know you better. We encourage you to be authentic and tell us more about yourself. Videos should be a single take lasting no more than one minute and consisting of you speaking directly to the camera.
Should I use the video to share more professional examples or discuss my career goals?
The video is a great complement to the rest of your written application and provides an opportunity for you to show us a different side of yourself. It is completely up to you what you would like to share, but we recommend you do not reuse examples from other materials in your application package.
I do not have video editing experience. What are your expectations for video quality?
We are not expecting a professionally-edited movie and actually ask that you do not edit the video. It should be a single-take of you speaking directly to the camera. That being said, there are some easy things you can do to create a strong video without editing. For example, you can film your video with any background as long as you ensure that you will have good sound quality and no distractions in view (such as dirty laundry, other people, etc). Think through what you plan to say in advance and speak clearly when recording. We value authenticity over production value, but want to make sure we can see and hear you!
What should I wear for my video?
You do not need to wear formal business attire (in fact, we like seeing a more personal side of you), but do keep in mind this is a professional application process and use your best judgement.
IE introduced this new component as step 2 in their admission process in 2018.
Once you have submitted the application form and paid the admissions fee, you will receive an email to complete an online assessment through our partners at Kira. During this exercise you will be answering questions with live video and written answers, to demonstrate why you would be a valuable asset to the IEU community.
You need to answer three live questions, two in video format and one in written format. This way, our admissions team will be able to meet you virtually and evaluate your capacity to respond in real time.
This will take around 20-30 minutes.
Please select ONE of the following topics to share with us using the Video Essay feature. Your comments should last 60-90 seconds and you have the option to re-record until you are satisfied, before submitting.
- Of Goizueta Business School’s Core Values (Courage, Integrity, Accountability, Rigor, Diversity, Team, Community), which one resonates the most with you and why?
- What is the best advice you have received and how have you used it in your life or career?
- Outside of family and work, what is something that you are passionate about and why?
- what would you do with an extra hour a day?
- What characteristics do you want to introduce to your future classmates?
- What book do you like and why?
- What is your favorite song and why?
- If you had to live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
- Why did you choose your undergrad major?
- Tell us a time you were challenged by a co-worker. How did you handle the situation?
- What is the best gift you have ever received?
- Do you have a mentor? Describe the importance of that relationship.
Oxford Online assessment
To virtually get to know you and see how you think on your feet, you will need to complete an online assessment as part of your MBA application.
This comprises:
- Two motivation-based questions – all candidates will answer the same questions
- Two competency-based questions – these will be randomised
- Written response – this will be randomised and thought provoking topic
The motivation-based questions are designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your motivations for undertaking an MBA, and why the Oxford MBA is the right programme for you. The competency-based questions will allow you to demonstrate the skills and qualities we look for, such as decision-making, problem-solving, influence, leadership, and strong communication skills.
After submitting an application for either the Oxford MBA or Oxford 1+1 MBA you will see a link in your application status portal. This will enable you to register with Kira Talent, our online assessment platform, and complete your assessment. You can complete this any time before the application stage deadline in which you wish to apply.
You will be provided with preparation time and practice sessions before going live with your real responses, and the whole online assessment component should only take up to 30 minutes for you to complete. All you will need is a desktop or laptop computer with a functioning webcam, microphone, and internet connection.
What will the motivation-based questions be?
These are designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate (via video response) your motivations for undertaking an MBA, and why the Oxford MBA is the right programme for you. Every applicant applying for the class of 2020-21 will be asked the same two questions.
Example: Why is an MBA the next step for you to further for your career?
What will the competency-based questions be?
These will allow you to demonstrate (via video response) the skills and qualities we look for, such as decision making, problem solving, influencing, leadership, teamwork, change management, and communication. They will be randomised, with applicants for the class of 2020-21 receiving two competency-based questions from a pool of available questions.
Example: Take a minute to tell us about a time where you’ve overcome a challenging situation, either professionally or personally. What was your approach to resolving the situation?
What will the written-response question be?
We will also ask you to submit a ‘live’ written response. Instead of a pre-prepared essay that you’ve had weeks to perfect, you will be given a light-hearted question to answer there and then within the Kira Talent platform. The question will allow you to demonstrate your written communication skills and how well you can think on your feet. It will be randomised, with applicants for the class of 2020-21 receiving one written-response question from a pool of available questions.
Example: Apples are more versatile than bananas. Discuss.
How do I complete the online assessment?
After starting an application for either the Oxford MBA or Oxford 1+1 MBA you will see a link embedded within the application form, accessible via the left-hand menu. This link will enable you to register with Kira Talent, our online assessment platform, and complete your online assessment. You can complete this any time before the application stage deadline in which you wish to apply, for example if you wish to apply in Stage 1 you need to submit your complete MBA application including a complete online assessment by the Stage 1 deadline.
To ensure you don’t encounter any issues in completing your online assessment and submitting your complete MBA application we strongly suggest sitting your online assessment in advance of the deadline. If you leave it until the final hours of the deadline and encounter technical issues you may miss the application deadline, so try to give yourself a few days.
How detailed do my answers need to be? Are there right or wrong answers?
We want to hear your honest, authentic, meaningful responses to the questions, but we don’t want you to be reading from a pre-written essay. These video assessments are designed to show your personality and ability to think on your feet, and we want to hear the answers you can come up with on the spot!
There are no right or wrong answers, and this isn’t a test. It’s just a way for us to get a glimpse into you and your personality and help to let you stand out as the unique candidate that you are!
Do I get to practice?
Absolutely! We encourage you to practice as much as you want, so that you’re comfortable with the format of our questions and how you feel comfortable answering them. You will be provided with preparation time and practice sessions before going live with your real responses, and the whole online assessment component should only take up to 30 minutes for you to complete. All you will need is a desktop or laptop computer with a functioning webcam, microphone, and internet connection.
Can I re-take the assessment if I’m not happy with my responses?
You can practice as much as you like, but once you click start on the real assessment, you will only have once chance. Sit back, get comfortable, and practice until you feel prepared.
How much time do I get to complete my responses?
You will have unlimited practice time, which we recommend taking advantage of. When it comes to the real assessment, once you click ‘start’ you will see your question. For each motivation-based question you will have 60 seconds of preparation time and then 90 seconds for your response. For each competency-based question you will have 45 seconds of preparation time and then 60 seconds for your response. For the written question you will not have preparation time, however you will have 5 minutes for typing your response. To ensure you don’t encounter any issues in completing your online assessment and submitting your complete MBA application we strongly suggest sitting your online assessment in advance of the deadline. If you leave it until the final hours of the deadline and encounter technical issues you may miss the application deadline, so try to give yourself a few days.
How long should my written response be?
You will have 5 minutes to write your written response, so don’t worry, we’re not expecting a novel. Anywhere from 250-500 words is sufficient, as long as your response shows off your communication skills.
Is there a dress code?
No. While you’re welcome to wear a business suit if you feel comfortable doing so, we are happy for you to dress comfortably. Business casual is completely acceptable, and we will likely not see below your waist. At the end of the day we just want your personality to shine through, be that in a polo shirt or a ball gown!
Where should I complete my video assessment?
You can take this anywhere you have a good internet connection, decent lighting, a functioning webcam and microphone, and where you’re able to focus on the test without distractions. This could be in your office when your colleagues have left for the day, at home at your kitchen bench, or in a library!
What happens if I experience technical difficulties while completing the online assessment?
For technical assistance please contact Kira Talent directly, either by clicking the green ‘Need Help?’ tab on the right hand side of the screen when within the Kira platform, or by visiting https://support.kiratalent.com/.
To ensure you don’t encounter any issues in completing your online assessment and submitting your complete MBA application we strongly suggest sitting your online assessment in advance of the deadline. If you leave it until the final hours of the deadline and encounter technical issues you may miss the application deadline, so try to give yourself a few days.
Example questions:
- Video: How long have you been considering doing an MBA and why now is the right time? What specific skills are you looking to gain at Oxford?
- Video: What is unique to Oxford MBA that you are attracted to?
- Video: Tell us a time where you had an idea and had to convince your project team.
- Video: What is the most significant personal weakness that you have identified, what did you do about it and what was the result?
- Video: Tell us about a time you asked for help and how did it go?
- Video: Imagine you are proposing a business innovation idea for a class project and the audience is not interested. What would you do?
- Video: Tell us about a time you were overloaded with work, how did you handle it?
- Written: What was your favourite book as a child and why?
- Why an MBA now?
- Why Oxford Said Business School?
- Discuss what you would do if you and your teammates cannot come to an agreement on a project decision.
- Discuss a time that you and your teammates were on a tight timeline. What did you do to meet the deadline?
- Written: Discuss the issue of climate change. Is what we do today enough to solve climate change? Why or why not?
- Written: Why is night better than day?
- Written: Do you prefer cats or dogs and explain why?
All applicants will be asked to submit a video interview, and will receive an email within 3-4 business days after the application deadline to which they applied with instructions on recording the video interview. The video interview allows us to get to know you better and to assess your communication skills and your ability to think on your feet as we review your application and consider your candidacy.
Once applicants receive the video interview invitation via e-mail, they will have approximately 4-6 days to complete this requirement. The email will provide instructions on recording the video interview. Applicants can test their video and sound before recording their video interview, answer practice video interview questions, and ask for technical support if needed within the video interview system. The email instructions will include the deadline to submit the video interview, and applicants must complete this requirement in order for their application to remain under review.
The video interview must be submitted in order for the application to be reviewed. Applicants will be contacted if they are selected for an admissions interview later in the application review process.
Example questions:
- Describe a situation where you were a team member and not a leader. How did the result impact you?
- Describe a recent unpopular decision you made. How did you handle it ?
- Imagine you were transported to the year 1900. How would you explain a smartphone to a person from that era?
- Describe a time when you showed great resilience and tenacity and it paid off. What were the results?
- Describe a academic or extra curricular activity that helped you shape your personality. What did you learn?
- Describe a situation where you had to defend a decision you have made and what was the outcome
- Describe a time when you set a target which you couldn't achieve and what did you do?
- What is the best professional compliment you received?
- Talk about an activity/extra curricular and how it changed your perspective
- Tell about a setback you experienced, how you dealt with it, and the results.
- What is essential for building and maintaining business relationships. Provide Examples
- Experience working with team where members didn't get along well in the beginning. What did you do, etc..
- How important is integrity to you and why is it important in the workplace, and
- Defend a decision you have made and what was the outcome
- Explain a situation when you have to change you communication style. What was the outcome?
- Share an example of a time when you were given new information that affected a decision you had already made. How did you proceed?
- Discuss about an impactfull achievement from your professional life and tell us why do you think it was impactfull?
- Tell us about a time when you handled a task on which you had zero information. What were the steps you took to begin with, what were the strategies and what were the end results?
- Describe the attributes of a great leader
- Share an example of a time when you were given new information that affected a decision you had already made. How did you proceed?
- If you had unlimited time, what would you devote it to apart from school and work?
- Give an example of a situation where you had to change your priorities due to an unexpected task and what was the outcome?
- Describe a situation at workplace where you faced a lot of retaliation. How did you address them?
- Discuss a difficult time in your career. What steps did you take and what was the outcome?
- What is the key ingredient for building and maintaining business relationships. Provide Examples from your life.
- Describe a situation when you had set your sights too high and were unable to achieve the set goals. What was the outcome and how did you handle it?
- Which was your biggest risk you took at work and what was its outcome?
- Describe your most stressful situation at work and how you handled it.
- Tell us about a time you encountered an individual who was resistant to change, how did you deal with it and what was the outcome?
- Tell us about a time when you had to change your priorities due to new events, what did you do and what was the outcome?
- How did you handle an individual who resisted to change, what did you do and what was the outcome?
- Talk about the time when you made a wrong decision, what was the setback and how did you handle it?
- Talk about your most significant achievement outside work or education.
- Talk about a time when you showed resilience.
Each applicant will be required to complete an online assessment comprised of pre-recorded video questions (delivered via Fisher's Kira Talent platform). Since live interviews are by invitation only, the video interview is a way for us to virtually meet you and get a sense of your personality and potential beyond what you've included in your application.
Shortly after submitting your application, you’ll receive an email invitation from Kira to complete your video interview.
The process is simple – you will be asked a question, given prep time, and a set amount of time to respond. It should only take 20 to 30 minutes to complete and can be done on your own time. We recommend watching our "7 Tips to Ace your Kira Video Interview" webinar to understand how it works and to improve your application.
You will require an internet-connected computer with a functioning webcam and microphone. The system allows for unlimited practice sessions but once you start the formal interview questions you only get one chance – this allows us to see your candid responses. Be yourself!
Example questions:
- Tell me about a time where you had to work with a bad manager.
- How did you deal with the situation?
- Tell me about a time when your decision led to a conflict with your team members. How did you deal with it, What was the outcome?
- What keeps you motivated?
- Tell me about a situation when you had to deal with a coworker who was not ready to work with the team.
Berkeley Haas
For the 2023-2024 application, Haas added a new video component:
Required essay #3 – video
The Berkeley MBA program develops leaders who embody our four Defining Leadership Principles. Briefly introduce yourself to the admissions committee, explain which leadership principle resonates most with you, and tell us how you have exemplified the principle in your personal or professional life. (Not to exceed 2 minutes.)
Additional resources and general tips for video essays: