Letters of Recommendation

Preparing for your first recommendation interview

Your Aringo consultant will soon interview you to create recommendation examples for your recommenders (this assumes that you are following the normal Aringo process).

In order to save meeting time, it will be good if you prepare for the meeting by starting to think about the following:

How would your two main recommenders answer the following questions about you?
(try to "get into their head")

  • Please provide a specific example for the candidate's leadership skills.
  • Please provide a specific example for the candidate's ability to work in a team.
  • What are the candidate's two main strengths? Please provide specific examples.
  • What are the candidate's two main weaknesses? What efforts has the candidate made to address these issues? Please provide specific examples.
  • Please provide a specific example for a situation where the candidate demonstrated initiative / motivation / ability to make use of an opportunity.
  • Please provide a specific example for a case where the candidate has grown personally or professionally.
  • Please provide a specific example for a case where the candidate distinguished himself among peers (for example: employees with fewer than 3 years of work experience).
  • Please provide a specific example for the candidate's level of personal integrity.

Wishing you effective recommendation interviews,

The Aringo Research Team